You can call any landline or mobile phone number in over 200 countries at super low rates thanks to Dingtone credits. Dingtone credits play a role as virtual money within this app and they can be earned by users by completing tasks, playing games, or participating in activities. The earned Dingtone credits will be stored in users’ account and consumed for calling or texting.
It’s easy for Dingtone users to earn credits on this app. Ordinary tasks include Daily Check-in, Feeling Lucky, Inviting Friends to Use Dingtone, Playing Games, etc. Moreover, numerous activities are usually held on holidays when Dingtone users are allowed to win more credits with much fun. In addition, some interesting activities are usually available on Dingtone Facebook or Dingtone Blog. Therefore, it’s such a good idea to follow Dingtone Facebook and Bookmark Dingtone Blog.